package main import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "strconv" ) type inv_accnts struct { id string taxval int tax bool buy bool } // // accounts considered in tax included balance check // var iaa []inv_accnts = []inv_accnts{ // wareneingang 19% and 7% (note: pids!) { "8e3b7c42e3173ed85f3d4736e82afb4d",19,false,true }, { "0cfd2ceb45fff89b9d1b7ce3af66cdf3", 7,false,true }, { "e3acc2865dbf931e41cf2b90240de5c2",19,false,true }, { "b1d04ad157cac569f4299d4ddf94ed6f",19,false,true }, { "4394ed4ffa7266f8f8731080926a7a61",19,false,true }, { "4196ee026d1bdb785df2c975fca91ae0",19,false,true }, // aids ... { "cb67d346eac01c2b66e2394df4e8d6e8",19,false,true }, // abziehbare vst 19% and 7% { "7c449e13125d6b93043f963628106db2",19,true,true }, { "006643c1c0a91f2b40614c75a49c6295", 7,true,true }, // --- sales // receipts { "f3e905732b729ba096a50dab60559ce7",19,false,false }, { "66c1b04bd897766cb2be538094e1db6a", 7,false,false }, { "1d20024badc11a99a8e1cf3a9a64a501",19,false,false }, { "9772f4e231f6f5e3100132cc53eb3447",19,false,false }, // ust { "e4bd6ff52408be8076f24aeb105893d9",19,true,false }, { "38bf40d16529f2a1e611c073c6c1dc9c", 7,true,false }, } // // account exceptions // // account exceptions: nineteen to seven var n2s_exc = []string{ } // account exceptions: nineteen to zero var n2z_exc = []string{ "4970 Nebenkosten des", "4910 Porto", } // transaction exceptions: nineteen to seven var n2s_exc_ta = []string{ "GEMA", } // transaction exceptions: nineteen to zero var n2z_exc_ta = []string{ "Deutsche Post", "gesetz IHK", "Gesundheitsbelehrung", "Gewerbezentralregister", "Entgeltabrechnung siehe Anlage", "ENTGELT SPK", "ttenrecht und F", "Unterrichtung Gastst", "MPLC", } // transacion exception list --- the rest, required? var trn_exc = []string{ } // // accounts which will be summed up // type sum_accnt struct { name string aid string valplus int valminus int } var summed_accounts = []sum_accnt{ {"Bankkonto","02ea930fdcc500cf7d3a21b80a126eb0",0,0}, {"Kasse","04e71353130ccb554ebaf4c2438d6b2f",0,0}, } // account maps type amap struct { pid string // parent id num int // account number taxval int // 7 or 19 buy bool // buy or sales tax bool // tax or non-tax(=goods) account } // xml type Account struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"account"` Name string `xml:"name"` AccountId string `xml:"id"` ParentId string `xml:"parent"` } type Split struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"split"` Id string `xml:"id"` Value string `xml:"value"` Quantity string `xml:"quantity"` AccountId string `xml:"account"` } type Transaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"transaction"` Id string `xml:"id"` Date string `xml:"date-posted>date"` Description string `xml:"description"` Spl []Split `xml:"splits>split"` } type ParsedData struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"gnc-v2"` DataCnt []string `xml:"count-data"` Accnt []Account `xml:"book>account"` Trn []Transaction `xml:"book>transaction"` } // tax type TaxReport struct { Expenses [2]int InputTax [2]int ExpExc [2]int ITExc [2]int Receipts [2]int SalesTax [2]int } // 'global' data var data ParsedData var tax_report TaxReport func main() { // argv sel_date := "" if len(os.Args) > 1 { sel_date = os.Args[1] } // open xml file file, err := os.Open("c13_skr03.gnucash") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error opening file:", err) return } defer file.Close() // read xml file xmldata, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error reading file:", err) return } // unmarshal xml data err = xml.Unmarshal(xmldata,&data) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error unmarshaling xml data:", err) return } // whooha, this is our data! fmt.Println("Parsed accounts:",len(data.Accnt)) fmt.Println("Parsed transactions:",len(data.Trn)) fmt.Println("") accnt := make(map[string]amap) for ac := range data.Accnt { aid := data.Accnt[ac].AccountId pid := data.Accnt[ac].ParentId for iac := range iaa { // consider account if pid or aid matches if pid == iaa[iac].id || aid == iaa[iac].id { taxval := iaa[iac].taxval for ec := range n2s_exc { if strings.Contains(data.Accnt[ac].Name, n2s_exc[ec]) { taxval=7 break } } for ec := range n2z_exc { if strings.Contains(data.Accnt[ac].Name, n2z_exc[ec]) { taxval=0 break } } accnt[aid]=amap{ pid, ac, taxval, iaa[iac].buy, iaa[iac].tax, } break } } } // check transactions ... for tc := range data.Trn { // check balance ... check_balance(&data.Trn[tc],accnt,sel_date) } // tax report fmt.Println("Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung (19% | 7%):") fmt.Println("------------------------------------") fmt.Println("Aufwendungen:",tax_report.Expenses[0], tax_report.Expenses[1]); fmt.Println("ohne Ausn. :",tax_report.Expenses[0]- tax_report.ExpExc[0], tax_report.Expenses[1]- tax_report.ExpExc[1]); fmt.Println("gesch. Vst. :",int((tax_report.Expenses[0]*19)/100.0), int((tax_report.Expenses[1]*7)/100.0)) fmt.Println("ohne Ausn. :",int(((tax_report.Expenses[0]- tax_report.ExpExc[0])*19)/100.0), int(((tax_report.Expenses[1]- tax_report.ExpExc[1])*7)/100.0)) fmt.Println("Vorsteuer :",tax_report.InputTax[0], tax_report.InputTax[1], "->",tax_report.InputTax[0]+tax_report.InputTax[1]); fmt.Println("------------------------------------") fmt.Println("Einnahmen :",-tax_report.Receipts[0], -tax_report.Receipts[1]); fmt.Println("gesch. Ust. :",int((-tax_report.Receipts[0]*19)/100.0), int((-tax_report.Receipts[1]*7)/100.0)); fmt.Println("Umsatzsteuer:",-tax_report.SalesTax[0], -tax_report.SalesTax[1]); fmt.Println("------------------------------------") // summed accounts fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Summen einiger Konten:") fmt.Println("----------------------") for sac := range summed_accounts { saccnt := summed_accounts[sac] fmt.Println(" Konto: ", fmt.Println(" +: ",saccnt.valplus) fmt.Println(" -: ",saccnt.valminus) } } func check_balance(ta *Transaction,accnt map[string]amap,sel_date string) bool { // check date tdate := strings.Fields(ta.Date)[0] if !strings.Contains(tdate,sel_date) { return true } // exceptions tv_ow := -1 for ec := range n2s_exc_ta { if strings.Contains(ta.Description,n2s_exc_ta[ec]) { tv_ow=7 break } } for ec := range n2z_exc_ta { if strings.Contains(ta.Description,n2z_exc_ta[ec]) { tv_ow=0 break } } // [taxval: 19=0 7=1][tax: no=0 yes=1][buy: no=0 yes=1] var sum [2][2][2]int // loop over splits within the transaction for sc := range ta.Spl { aid := ta.Spl[sc].AccountId //accnt[aid].tax // loop over all considered accounts (defined earlier as global) for iac := range iaa { tv := int(0) // taxval changed by exception if tv_ow != -1 { if tv_ow == 7 { tv=1 } if tv_ow == 0 { // reset taxvalues of involved accounts // (to drop an error) if accnt[aid].tax { if accnt[aid].taxval==7 { tv=1 } } else { continue } } // taxval as defined by account } else { if accnt[aid].taxval == 0 { if accnt[aid].tax { fmt.Println("FATAL!"); } continue } if accnt[aid].taxval == 7 { tv = 1 } } // tax tax := int(0) if iaa[iac].tax { tax = 1 } // buy buy := int(0) if iaa[iac].buy { buy = 1 } // match! add to sum and break. match := bool(false) // check pids if ... if tax == 0 && buy == 1 { _, exists := accnt[aid] if exists { // pids if accnt[aid].pid == iaa[iac].id { match = true } } } // ... however, always check aids if aid == iaa[iac].id { match = true } if match { inc, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(ta.Spl[sc].Value,"/100")) sum[tv][tax][buy] += inc break } } // now get the sums for sac := range summed_accounts { if summed_accounts[sac].aid == aid { inc, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(ta.Spl[sc].Value,"/100")) if inc >= 0 { summed_accounts[sac].valplus += inc } else { summed_accounts[sac].valminus += inc } } } } // check for exceptions exc := false for ec := range trn_exc { if strings.Contains(ta.Description,trn_exc[ec]) { exc = true break } } //for ac := range accountlist { // if strings.Contains(data.Accnt[anum].Name,accountlist[ac]){ // return true // } //} // tax report for tv := 0; tv<2; tv++ { tax_report.Expenses[tv] += sum[tv][0][1] tax_report.InputTax[tv] += sum[tv][1][1] tax_report.Receipts[tv] += sum[tv][0][0] tax_report.SalesTax[tv] += sum[tv][1][0] if exc { tax_report.ExpExc[tv] += sum[tv][0][1] tax_report.ITExc[tv] += sum[tv][1][1] } } // check var expected [2]int check := true for buy := 0; buy < 2; buy++ { expected[0]=int((sum[0][0][buy]*19)/100.0) expected[1]=int((sum[1][0][buy]*7)/100.0) for tv :=0; tv < 2; tv++ { if expected[tv] < sum[tv][1][buy]-1 || expected[tv] > sum[tv][1][buy]+1 { var sb, st string if buy == 0 { sb = "Umsatzsteuer" } else { sb = "Vorsteuer" } if tv == 0 { st = "19%" } else { st = " 7%" } check = false fmt.Printf("%s %s: ",sb,st); fmt.Printf("Erwarte %d statt %d aus %d! ", expected[tv], sum[tv][1][buy],sum[tv][0][buy]); if(!exc) { fmt.Printf("\n"); } else { fmt.Printf("Ausnahme greift!\n"); fmt.Printf("(%s)\n\n",ta.Description) } } } } if !check && !exc { fmt.Println("am",ta.Date) fmt.Printf("(%s)\n",ta.Description) fmt.Println("Beteiligte Konten:") for ic := range ta.Spl { found := strings.TrimSuffix(ta.Spl[ic].Value,"/100") aid := ta.Spl[ic].AccountId _, exists := accnt[aid] if exists { num := accnt[aid].num fmt.Printf(" %s => %s\n",data.Accnt[num].Name, found) } else { fmt.Printf(" %s => %s\n",aid,found) } } fmt.Println("") } return check } func round(v float64) int { if v < 0.0 { v -= 0.5 } else { v += 0.5 } return int(v) }