INSTALL ------- 1) include main.shtml in your existing webpage. it needs physical contact to the mp3 data. exchange all entries in main.shtml reading index.shtml to the file sourcing this main.shtml file. build mp3read executing a simple "make". copy and mp3read in your $PATH location. 2) copy playsong.shtml somewhere in your htdocs root of your playing host. 3) copy mp3db.conf and mp3user to your /etc directory. (on the host where you also copied main.shtml) adjust the examples !! important, defaults won't work !! 4) make sure your mp3 data is mp3db compatible. that means, no special character and small letters. you may test ./make_mp3dbcompat script to do so. this will definetly fuck your system, i mean it :) 5) additionaly secure your mp3s using .htaccess files! ! do it ! have fun, hackbard