+ title = "Event-Based Relaxation of Continuous Disordered
+ Systems",
+ author = "G. T. Barkema and Normand Mousseau",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "77",
+ number = "21",
+ pages = "4358--4361",
+ numpages = "3",
+ year = "1996",
+ month = nov,
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.4358",
+ publisher = "American Physical Society",
+ notes = "activation relaxation technique, art, speed up slow
+ dynamic mds",
+ author = "E. Canc\`{e}s and F. Legoll and M.-C. Marinica and K.
+ Minoukadeh and F. Willaime",
+ collaboration = "",
+ title = "Some improvements of the activation-relaxation
+ technique method for finding transition pathways on
+ potential energy surfaces",
+ publisher = "AIP",
+ year = "2009",
+ journal = "The Journal of Chemical Physics",
+ volume = "130",
+ number = "11",
+ eid = "114711",
+ numpages = "6",
+ pages = "114711",
+ keywords = "eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; iron; potential energy
+ surfaces; vacancies (crystal)",
+ URL = "http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/130/114711/1",
+ doi = "10.1063/1.3088532",
+ notes = "improvements to art, refs for methods to find
+ transition pathways",